digital audiobook distribution
advantages of working with big happy family
Once you choose to allow us to help you expand into this market, you’ve taken the first step to the wide distribution of your audiobooks! The actual process is simple.

As a member of our “big happy family,” you will enjoy preferred status for participating in any new programs we develop.
We represent many publishers and many titles, which download sites appreciate, because they deal with us, rather than hundreds of publishers. That gives us more influence with the decision-makers than an individual client might have.
We have already encountered many of the problems, issues, and objections and have developed solutions and answers. We know what each website likes – and doesn’t like _ giving us credibility with the vendors.
We consolidate your sales and royalty reports from each website and send them to you in one report – and in one payment – simplifying everyone’s recordkeeping.
You email us a short (5 minutes or less) samples of your titles and we review them for quality and content.
After we review your titles and they meet our standards (and those of the websites we’ll be presenting them to), we send you a contract.
Once we receive your signed contract, we will send you instructions about how to forward your materials to us.
Let’s Start Something new
Because we are often in the recording studio or meeting during the day, we prefer email. Please include relevant information about your company, such as the number of titles, website link, etc.